Monday, September 30, 2019


Today’s journal topic got me thinking. What if what’s happening right is a dream? Really hope not. I have a pretty good life going right now. Then again how can we tell, this thing called life could be an  Illusion. You can feel, feelings in dreams, well I think I can. I don’t know why but once I wake up from a dream I forget all about it. I wish I could remember my dreams I can remember some but not all. What if dreaming can tell the future. Does that mean we can see the future in our dreams? This topic really got me thinking about dreaming. I’m going to do more research about dreaming because it’s a really interesting topic not going to lie.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My essay my essay

Young Goodman Brown is about how he went for a walk in the wood after saying Goodbye to his wife Faith. Then he meets this old mad with a snake staff, later on he turns out to be the devil. Which represented the Adam & Eve story. The old man then starts to talk about some of his family members, by saying how bad they were or something like that. Young Goodman Brown tries to avoid the old man by turning back from the woods and heads home. Then I believe he takes the old man's staff because he was struggling to walk. Due to this he was zooming through the wood which lead him to a ceremony. A witches ceremony. Knowing this, he saw all his towns people and the ceremony including his wife Faith without her pink ribbon. The pink ribbon represent her innocence and how pure good of a person she is. Young Goodman Brown saw his wife at ceremony, he lost his trust for his wife. I believe after he left the ceremony he went to his home and saw all the towns people, but not the same way, he lost his trust for everyone including his wife Faith.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Young Goodman Brown questions

1: Hawthorne’s wrote this story for the purpose so people wouldn’t go into the woods alone.
2: No, I don’t agree with Faith and her name, it doesn’t fit her personality. Brown doesn’t have true faith at the end of the story because he doesn’t trust her.
3: I think the pink ribbon is signify that she’s a good person and wouldn’t be the type of person to do anything bad.
4: I don’t think everything brown witnesses was real. I think he took a quick nap and woke up in his village afterwards. I think is says in the story that he took the mans walking staff and he was at the ceremony in just one second.
5: I think the old man is a homeless person, who is on something. I don’t know have any textual clues.
6: The Staff represents how fast he can travel with it. The staff leads Brown in his own conscience/mind.
7: Yes if he had not intervene into going into the forest he would have still trusted his wife and his fellow town people.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Today in class we read a story called Young Goodman brown. Well actually we finished it today. I forgot to post this blog like 3 or 2 days ago ... smh. At first the story didn't make sense because this guy was saying goodbye to this person who I think was his wife and then afterwards goes for a walk in the dark woods with one of his friends. Then the devil comes from nowhere and tries to kill him. I don't my teacher explain it better than I did. I thought the story was confusing or I wasn't paying attention.

Everything is a Remix

A remix is taking someone else's work for your own or so my teacher said. Everything is a remix if you think about it. My teacher is right. Everything we do we take from someone.We use new words from our friends we learn new things from others and use it in our lives. We take something from someone and make it ours and think its our own. What can we do about? Not much, because we live in a society where we can take something from the internet and make it our own.

                                 Sorry for the late post. I'm trying to publish all my blogs before progress reports.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Medium is the is the Message

I really don’t know about channeling my email. My teacher just started talking about it. He talk about how easy it is for someone to hack your email. Do I really want someone to hack my email? Honestly I don’t know. I only use my email for YouTube and google, never for messaging people. I mean I use my school email to send PowerPoints or messages to teaches but that’s about it. I said school email because I don’t really use my personal email that much. So I’ll use some of the websites my teacher recommended for my email to be safe, just in case.

Friday, September 13, 2019

For the Win

What I've done really well in this course would be posting on my blogs more often and hopefully becoming a better blogger. I just started posting on my blog because my english teacher said if we didn't have more then 15 post on our blogs, then we're failing his class. I checked my blog and I had like 4 post. Also progress reports are coming up and care about my grades. Recently, I started posting on my blog and I hope by Monday I would be caught up on all my blog posts. I'm up to 10 blog post, 11 counting this one, and more to come.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

I ain’t got time for this

My habits support my goals because I’m doing something I enjoy doing. I mean I go to school but I hate it, and if I didn’t go my parents would go to jail, so I go because it’s necessary. After school, it’s like the best thing for me. I go to practice meet up with my friends and enjoy my time with them because, sports have a way in bring people together to create something big.

The Making of An Essay

   I hate essays, there the worst. My experience with them are bad and many people would agree with me. The only time I'd liked an essay was my sophomore year. Why? We had to do an essay for our english final. Our teacher gave us 2 weeks to work on it. Knowing me I didnt even work on it, I was just on my phone those whole 2 week. The day before we were suppose to turn it in, I just wrote what I thought would make sense about the book we read. I didn't even check for misspelling or punctuations or anything I just turn it in without even reading over it. I ended up getting 20/25. I was happy because I didn't even try on my final but somehow I pass it. Hopefully that could happen again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Today I was thinking

Today in class I was thinking about how our english teacher was right. About what? Well, he was talking about how the first few minutes in class are important. He did an experiment on us. He told us to rub our numbs on our figures and take deep breaths for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds pass I had a weird feeling. I think my classmates did too. My feel was that, around my environment it felt different from other days. When we took the 60 seconds of silence.

Friday, September 6, 2019

I care about your understanding

         I care and like running. As it might seem how can someone like running, it sucks, hurts, it's a waste of time, many people would agree. Still many people still run for some reason. Whenever someone asks me if I do sports my usually response is no. Why, you may ask. You see people at our school don't see running as a sport because all you do is run, I mean how hard could it be. I think it is a sport and if you think it's so easy come after school and run with us. Then we will see if it's so easy. By the way new people always quit after the first day, or first week. If you read all of what I said clearly, then my writing is improving bit by bit. If not give me feedback, and I'll improve on my mistakes.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Why I'm late on my homework

     Its procrastination. I'm those type of people who say, "When I get home for practice for sure I'll work on all those assignments my teachers gave me". As soon as I get home, I take a shower, and then tell myself, "You know I had a pretty long and tiring day I'm set down and watch Netflix". Before I know it's like 10 at night and I end up falling asleep. Waking up the next morning realize "Oh shit, I have homework to turn in today" oh well I'll just take the zero points. I wish there was a way so I wouldn't procrastinate on doing my homework, if you know a way tell me! I hate homework and home assignments but I'll do my best to turn them in.

How I read

       I don't like reading. If I did have a choice to pick a smart way to read it would be picking up books that would interest me. What does interest me? Well, I just got into politics so that would interest me. I like stories about great athletes that did the impossible. For example, have you heard of Eliud Kipchoge. No? Well he's the world record holder for the Marathon. If you don't know how many miles are in a marathon, its 26.2 miles. Guess how fast he ran each mile to break the world record? 4 minutes and 40 seconds was his average pace per mile. Crazy right, but the story behind it is amazing on how he accomplish that. Those are the stories I like. If you can find me books relate to what I said I would appreciate very much.

Conscience of a Hacker

           The person telling the truth behind a real life hacker has some strong emotion with the people accusing hackers of being criminals. He explains how he can be himself around other hackers and how he found a place where he belongs. He says that his only crime is curiosity, but are all hackers alike? That's what he said, " You may stop this individual, but you can't stop all of us ... After all were all like". I Find that hard to believe because some hackers today are cable of robbing all your money if you're not careful in what you do. I mean, some hackers can hack your facebook account or twitter account and make a public post that could say something bad you did, or say something bad you said. You can define a hacker in the way you see him, or she, but it all depends on their action and how they are judged.

I was told to email my teachers for a grade or credit/No credit. I’m 100% sure I had a B- so I would like to have a grade for you class. So...