Friday, January 31, 2020

Meet Nick

Well, I didn't get much of the story but I caught something from him. Like how he graduate from Yale. He also I guess describes himself as highly moral and highly tolerant, that's what I got from the first chapter. I believe he also lives in a place called West Egg and its in New York how he knows a lot of people from East Eggs. From what I read, he is a wealthy man who live with rich people and is somewhat different from them. He's also writing a book or something...
I believe the first chapter was a bit confusing for me, might have to read it again or something :)

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Argue This

What is Syllogism? Well in my words I think it's a way in saying something and coming to a conclusion to a statement you made. For example, "All birds lay. Therefor a swan is a bird. The word Syllogism has a way into concluding what something really is.The minor premise is that a swan is a bird. The word Syllogism is also greek which means conclusion.

I was told to email my teachers for a grade or credit/No credit. I’m 100% sure I had a B- so I would like to have a grade for you class. So...